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Another use for the Turquoise Yarn

February 16, 2013

I bought turquoise yarn for this scarf, but as you will notice since I started knitting, I really haven’t introduced any new and exciting colours.  I’ve been knitting with the same 4 or 5 colours.  At this point, I’m also pretty sure that I won’t ever use the turquoise in this scarf.  Maybe if I were doing the sunset or sunrise scarf, but I will be shocked if there is ever turquoise in the sky in the middle of the day.

However all is not lost.  I am also working on making a new blanket1knotted comforter for use when curling up on the couch.  The colours I choose for this blanket are mostly dark blue.  One of the fabrics includes a turquoise stripe and the fabric for the back includes brighter blue stars.  As I sewed the top squares together I realized that turquoise yarn will be perfect for knotting this comforter.

Sometimes you buy something for one project and in the end use it for another.  Isn’t this true of other things in life as well?  Sometimes we start out thinking we will gain something specific from an experience or interaction only to later discover we will use the experience or learning in a unanticipated way.  It is good to collect pieces as we go, even if we can’t always predict how the pieces will all fit together into an end result.

Sky Report at 9:51 am – snowing lightly

Yarn Strands: two white

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