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Forced Down-Time

December 2, 2013

Sometimes life forces us to slow down and take some time.  This might be the result of an injury, surgery, illness or too much vacation time.  Whatever the reason, for many people, slowing down is challenging.  Most people leave busy lives, full of work, family, social and other activities and commitments.   When suddenly one or all of those time consuming activities is gone, we don’t know what to do.

What is interesting, is that after a few days (or maybe a week depending on the person), doing less becomes the new norm.  We stop strategizing to squeeze in one more task or visit.  We stop wondering what we will possibility do with all our time.  Instead we return to the hobbies and activities that bring us joy and find our lives full; but with a lot less rushing around and need for efficiency and productivity.

So I don’t wish any of you sickness or injury; but I do wish you a time of slow down, a time to realize that “busy” isn’t always best.

Sky Report at 10:00 am – grey and dreary

Yarn Strands – two greys

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One Comment
  1. Dwayne permalink

    I’ll take it!

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